The I Statement

Dust yourself off and try again

I am in the process of moving and just finished going through old papers.

In 2019, I had written an ENTIRE business plan for a trauma recovery coaching practice, everything from my client contract to my pricing schedule.

I mean… 2019 Molly wasn’t playing!

But…. I never got past that part… you know, to actually coaching.

I had quit and at the time I’m sure it was valid… I mean I probably had a crazy full-time job schedule and I’m sure I was in some bad relationship that was sucking my energy dry.

But.. I never got to see it to full fruition. I quit before I even started!

But now, it feels different. I feel like I am better able to keep up with the demands that come with building a business online.

SOO for those of you perhaps thinking of building your own thing, these are the things that changed for me this time around.

  1. I took time to really align with what I wanted to talk about.

    Instead of focusing on what people want, I am focusing on what I LOVE to talk about, and building a community of like-minded people that love the same thing.

    I think it’s easy to think we want to “sell-sell-sell”, and let other people dictate our service, but I value only providing what I TRULY believe in.

    Turns out, I still want to talk about trauma recovery, but more so about the spiritual healing that takes place within it.

    So I rebranded to spiritual wellness ❤️ 

  2. I got serious about my dream. I began to actually do more visualization and imagine myself in the future actually doing this full-time.

  3. I notice this time around, Its been more about BEING than DOING. Being someone who talks about it all the time and practices spirituality daily, versus building a business on paper but not acting the part.

  4. I’ve actually prayed a lot more for guidance and help.

    And trust me guys, if you don’t pray for it, the universe won’t pitch in and lend you miracles.

    It works on YOUR FREE WILL, so if you don’t ask for it, no guide is going to intrude. (I’m going to write a future post on this.)

  5. I created a lifestyle that accommodates the time and space for my business to grow.

    I went from working 50 hour weeks, waking up at 430 am to get to work and work till 7pm at night at a high paying, hardcore surgery job To — Working 6 hour days, remote, in a lower income “easier” job.

    I have also totally downgraded my lifestyle.

    But now, I have the time to write things like this newsletter, take on mentoring and create a community by engaging with others online!

  6. I have been spending the time actually finding a mentor this time around, not just taking some course.

    It holds me more accountable to keep going :)

So my question to you is… What is it you have been wanting to start but maybe you just keep quitting or talking yourself out of?

And before you beat yourself up, I need you to understand, you aren’t hopeless or a failure.

That isn’t what this is meant for!

This is meant to show: it happens to EVERYONE.

I don’t know why I chose this scary GIF.

I believe everyone who has ever had that bug to build their own business or go rogue from the modern slavery industry, has gone through this.

The point is to not beat yourself up and to start again.

Dust yourself off and try again. 🎶

  • What do you have to do now, to make sure quitting is harder?

  • What is your pain point? Why do you want this? Always go back to the why.

  • What happens to your life if you DON’T go for this thing?

And to be clear, you may not know what it is you want to “Go after”.

Honestly, don’t let that stop you.

I have learned that it doesn’t even matter, it just has to be something you’re interested in and want to share with other people.

I recently ran across a social media account where a woman legit just cooks recipes while high.

In another one, there is a dude and a hand puppet who cook while rapping together.

There is another lady who films herself cleaning toilets and makes it ASMR.

I mean…

Like honestly, not knowing what to do isn’t an excuse anymore.

The world just needs YOUR ENERGY and that’s all that matters: Who you’re being.

So let’s go back to it guys: That thing you’re interested in and that itch you have to get yourself out there.

I’m in the trenches with you. ❤️